Paulias Matane

Paulias Matane source wikipedia

Name:                       Paulias Matane

Date of Birth: September 21, 1931


Home Province: Vunadidir – Toma Rural LLG, East New Britain

Background Information:

Mr Matana was a Teacher by profession. He was appointed as the National Director of Education around the time PNG was going towards Independence. He became the first PNG Ambassador to the United States of America in 1975 until 1976. He was also was PNG’s Ambassador to the United Nations from 1975 to 1979.

Mr Matane was also the host of EMTV program Chit Chat for several years.

He passed away in 2021.

You can read interviews and get more in depth information on Mr Matane by clicking on these links


Click the link to view all his books available for purchase on Amazon.