Writers A-M


Addie Odai

Agnes Are

Alfred Eliesa Faiteli

Alma Warokra

Alphonse Kona

Angeline Low

Anita M Konga

Anthony Kippel

Apisai Enos

Arnold Mundua

Axel Rice


Beauty Rupa Loi

Bernard Mullu Narokobi

Bernard Sinai

Benjamin Evara

Biango Buia

Brenda Anduwan

Brigette Wase


Clara Philemon Are

Charlotte Vada


Daniel Sakumai

David Gonol

Diddie Kinamun Jackson

Dilu D Okuk

Dominica Are

Golova Mari


Elizabeth Wawaga

Emma Wakpi

Ephraim Torima

Eric Gabriel

Erick Kowa


Francis Nii


Gelab Piak

Grace Maribu


Hannah Ilave

Henry Sape

Herman Talingapua

Herman Tambagle

Hilda Fromai Yerive

Hinuvi Onafimo

Hogande Kiafuli


Ian Dabasori Hetri


Jack Lahui

Jeffery Mane Febi

Jeremiah Toni

Jessica Dobb

Jimmy Apiu

Jimmy Drekore

John Bita

John Kasaipwalova

Joshua Rere

Jovie Hriehwazi


Kama Kerpi 

Kayla Reimann

Kela Kapkora Sil Bolkin

Kumalau Tawali


Lapieh Landu

Leonard Fong Roka

Lorraine Basse

Loujaya Toni


Macquin Anduwan

Marie-Rose Sau

Martyn Namorong

Mary Koisen

Meakoro Opa

Melissa Agilo

Michael Dom

Miriam Roko

14 thoughts on “Writers A-M

  1. Very much appreciated when I came across this site. I am a student in Divine word university, taking a unit called PNG Literature, and I know for sure that the content you are providing will help with the units requirements. Thank you so much for the initiative. All the best.

  2. As a student studying PNG Literature in Divine Word University for the first Semester, I find this block site helpful in doing my assignment and also it would be more nice if only it include some new 21st century writers of Papua New Guinea.

  3. Please don’t delete this blog! Even if the writers are old, its useful for people like me, who are interested in PNG writers, but I have no idea where to start. Mauruuru roa for your efforts

  4. I can give you two names:

    1. Arnold Mundua (Author of ‘A Bride’s Price’ and ‘Elep Returns’

    2. Herman Tambagle (Author of ‘The Writing is on the Wall’)


  5. This data (or name list) is I think outdated. The National Library need to update the name list again and include the latest PNG authors and their work. What we have here are names of authors from the 1970s and 80s. Can some correct me if I am wrong?

    1. It is outdated, I have not had the time to update it. This project is my own I was thinking of just deleting the blog because I have not had the time to put into it.

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